Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Reality of Taqwa, its Scope and 10 of its Causes by Suhaib Webb al-Azhari

By Suhaib Webb

It's Definition
Taqwa means to abandon religious prohibitions and observe religious injunctions. It is defined by Shari'ah as, "A person's protection from what will harm him in the Hereafter."
Its Scope
Abandoning the prohibitions and observing the injunctions implies an inner and outer reality. Thus, its application falls under four types:
1. Abandoning the outer prohibitions (like leaving prayers or smoking weed)
2. Abandoning the inner Prohibitions (like envy or despairing His mercy)
3. Observing the outer injunctions (like prayer and being good to one's neighbors)
4. Observing the inner injunctions (like the love of God and fearing Him)
Gaining Balance
Based on the four parts of taqwa mentioned above, should strive to make sure they are all healthy. If not, the risk losing balance in their taqwa.
The great scholar, 'Abd al-Rahman ibn Jawzi, gave an awesome example of this: "A person who wears his clothing above his ankles, looking at others with arrogance because they don't." He noted that they have blotted out the good deed with the evil ink of arrogance and spite. Thus, while the outer is together, the inner is not. Activists must be careful, and students of knowledge as well, that their outward religiousity is not spoiled by a sick soul.
It is also possible that a person's heart is fine towards others, but his outer worship is not. For example, he attends rally after rally, meeting after meeting and class after class, but fails to observe the dawn prayer regularly or learn what is obligatory upon him. This disease, and it is common, is a sign of an imbalance in a person's taqwa. Or a person may be active, but flirts with the opposite gender, leads them on and treats them badly. The same could also apply to a person who observes the ritual acts of worship, but fails to take part in his share of community work. Ponder this, because its possibilities are mind boggling.
The Causes of Taqwa are 10
1. Fear of worldly punishment
2. Fear of punishment in the Hereafter
3. Hope for rewards in this life
4. Hope for rewards in the Hereafter
5. Fear of being audited in the Hereafter
6. Realization that God sees you
7. Being thankful for His blessings with obedience
8. Knowledge
9. Extolling His magnificence
10. Sincerely loving Him
We ask Allah to make us from the people of taqwa,
Suhaib Webb al-Azhari

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